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Writer's pictureMelissa Moskau


Tuesday marked my first day of taking the new chemo prescribed in hopes that it will shrink my cancer. Here’s a little history on me and chemo. We don’t get along. My body does not respond well to it: In the past and most recently, cancer grows when I take chemo. The drugs I am taking are meant to target stage 4 metastatic breast cancer and others cancers as well. The last few days have been up and down physically, but I have been able to rest and sleep during the day. That has helped a lot. My next date for chemotherapy is next Tuesday, the 18th. I will have treatment two weeks on and one week off. Then, the process continues to repeat.

Most of all, the Lord has given me His peace in such a radical way, and nothing can compare to that. Even from the first time I heard of this terminal diagnosis, I have His peace and assurance! I know that can only come from Him. Psalm 4:8 says "In peace I will both lie down and sleep; for you alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety."

I am so thankful for your prayers. Here are some things you can pray for this week:

--Pray that the Lord will receive glory through my suffering and His people will be strengthened.

--Pray that the chemo shrinks the cancer in my body.

--Pray that I will continue to experience the Lord's peace and joy day to day.

--Pray for minimal side effects from the chemotherapy.

Grace & Peace,


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Mar 01, 2020

Tonya and I are praying for you daily. God bless. The Hancocks


Feb 14, 2020

Hi Melissa. You’ve had a permanent spot in my prayer journal for a while now. I pray for these things that you list here. You are such an amazing servant for our heavenly Father. He is with you 🙏🏾❤️


Feb 14, 2020

Hi Melissa, I have been praying for you and will not quit. Your faith is such an amazing witness for the Lord.


Feb 13, 2020

Thank you for the update. We will continue praying for you and your mother on this journey especially praying for the 4 specific requests.


Feb 13, 2020

Melissa, I don’t know you but we have a mutual friend, in that of Julie McKeever. She loves you very much. She shared your story and blog and I felt compelled to pray for you. Thank you for sharing your heart. I have another friend that also has breast cancer and I shared your blog with her, hoping that it would encourage her. Will keep you in our prayers! God Bless You and your mom!

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